Registration Forms and Documents
2 months ago
New Student Online Registration
For families that are registering a NEW student in the Tyngsborough Public Schools, please follow the steps below.
- Create an online enrollment account (this is different than a Parent Portal account) and fill out the applicable registration form:
Click here for 2024-2025
Click here for 2025-2026 - Download and complete the necessary forms here. Completed forms and documents can be dropped off at individual schools between the hours of 8 am - 2 pm.
- Once step 1 & 2 are complete, a member of the school administrative staff will contact families to confirm registration and return the original birth certificate.
* For questions or further information regarding registration, please call:
Tyngsborough Elementary School (Grades Preschool - 5): 978-649-1990
Tyngsborough Middle School (Grades 6 - 8): 978-649-3115
Tyngsborough High School (Grades 9 - 12): 978-649-7571
Or email
Returning Students
Children already enrolled in Tyngsborough Public Schools must update their contact and emergency information on the Parent Portal.