Registration Information

2 months ago

Welcome to the Tyngsborough Public Schools! 

The Tyngsborough Public Schools, in partnership with our community, strives to provide an inclusive, innovative and individualized experience that challenges all learners to maximize their potential and positively impact our world.

To enroll in the Tyngsborough Public Schools, please click on one of the options below for information.

Kindergarten - Grade 12
(Tyngsborough Residents)

PLEASE NOTE: The student registration process can take a couple of days, it is recommended that you do not withdraw your child from the current school until a start date has been established with TPS.

School Choice

(MA Residents and TPS Staff)

On March 12, 2024, the Tyngsborough Public Schools School Committee approved the following School Choice enrollment plan for the 2024/2025 academic year:


 0 seats in Grades K-6
 7 seats in Grade 7

 0 seats in Grade 8

15 seats in Grade 9

15 seats in Grade 10

10 seats in Grade 11

10 seats in Grade 12

* Once you have completed your application, please email to or mail a hard copy to:

Office of Superintendent
Attn: Sharon Fairbanks
50 Norris Rd.
Tyngsborough, MA 01879

25-26 Preschool Information

2 months ago

                                              Tyngsborough Elementary School
                                   Integrated Preschool  2025-2026 Registration 

Thank you for your interest in Tyngsborough Integrated Preschool.  Tyngsborough Integrated Preschool offers a curriculum that is meaningful to our youngest learners with focus on social and emotional development through play based learning and alignment with Massachusetts pre-kindergarten common core standards.  Our inclusive preschool program welcomes students with and without disabilities.  Tyngsborough Elementary School offers students ages 3 - 5 an integrated and inclusive preschool experience where children learn and play together.  

For students that have been found eligible for special education services because of a disability, the range of service will vary and may include walk-in therapy appointments or participation in one of the integrated classrooms.  The exact type of instruction/therapy and frequency of service is determined by a Team at an initial eligibility meeting and agreed upon in a signed IEP. 

On Wednesday, March 5th between the hours of 9:00-2:00 p.m.  (Snowdate - Thursday, March 6th) any family interested in entering the 25-26 preschool lottery should submit the required paperwork. This registration packet must be complete in order to be entered into the lottery.  Access to the forms can be found HERE including the Preschool Program Option Form and tuition information.

The Preschool Lottery will take place on Monday, March 10th. Notification of the lottery results will be emailed on March 14th.  Please do not complete the online registration portal until you are notified that you have been selected through the lottery process.

Please contact Erin Sousa, assistant principal if you have any further questions at 978-649-1990 or